Monday, August 23, 2010

Just wondering about how different are Personal benchmarks from General Benchmarks...

One major difference: personal benchmarks arise out of self motivation whereas general benchmarks are a part of a larger system which we are over eager to be a part of... however, they can both apply to the same domain... be it work or leisure.. but then, the second question arises, whether the personal benchmarks can be forced..?

So, personal benchmarks might play a crucial role in the personal productivity and hence the overall growth, but if they are not adding value to the general "benchmarking system" or the general productivity parameters, then these personal benchmarks run the risk of becoming a black hole which confines the individual into a never ending pursuit of something which is there but will never add to anything tangible... well, something maybe, but that something is very negligible in nature... atleast in a practical sense.. although it might satisfy the individual upto a certain limit, but when that is done long enough, then one starts to think about the necessity of the same..